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Father Knows Worst

Localised from this IGN wiki https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3


Walkthrough for the side quest Father Knows Worst from The Witcher 3's second DLC expansion, Blood and Wine.

You can pick this quest up from from The Gran'place notice board. The first part of the quest is heading towards monster cave directly west of the Tourney Grounds signpost. Once at the cave, you'll meet two brothers and they'll ask you to save their brother in the cave.

After accepting the quest, head inside and you'll first across some kikimores (Kikimore Workers, followed by a Kikimore Warrior), they are weak to Insectoid Oil, White Honey potion and Igni sign.

After dealing with the kikimores, use Witcher Senses and find the brother Hugo's tracks. The tracks will lead to the southern area of the cave.

Talk to Hugo and he'll ask you to find a Still filter and the bottom a the nearby pool of water.

Head to the pool of water and if you use Witcher Senses, you can see it from the surface. Use Quen sign before diving in and grabbing it. Return to Hugo, to accept your reward.

As you exit the cave, Hugo will see that his brothers have a group of thugs with him, and he asks you to kill them. You can either agree to kill them, or tell him nobody dies.

Choosing not to kill anyone will allow you to complete the quest without bloodshed, and you get the reward from the two brothers. Otherwise, the other option will force you to kill multiple enemies. This completes the quest.

Video Walkthrough
